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Review of the Top Food Delivery Diet Programs of 2012

Here is a breakdown of the most popular "healthy" food plans.  Our top choice for Best Tasting Food and Value for your Dollar is Diet To Go

We reviewed each of the top diet programs for Quality and taste of food, Value for your dollar, balance of the food groups, delivery options and overall support system offered to their customers.  

Our latest Diet Food Delivery review was completed on July 18, 2012.

Here is our opinion of each of the following systems...

Using a 1 to 5 scale with 5 being Superior and 1 being Extremely Poor

Nutrisystem -- In our opinion they score a 2 (Not very good). Our main gripe with Nutrisystem is most of the food is prepared freeze dried and lacks freshness and overall health benefits of natural fresh prepared ingredients. They score well for their overall low cost of meals, but when flavor and freshness are weighted in, they just do not measure up.

BistroMD --  Great tasting food, freshly prepared and quick frozen just before delivery assures high satisfaction amongst even the most demanding dietiers.   BistroMD scores a solid 4 (Very Good) on our scale.   With a DR overseeing the preparation and ingredients of all meals, getting a well balanced and delicious meal delivered right to your door has never been easier.   The only thing keeping BistroMD from scoring a perfect 5 star rating is the slightly higher cost per meal than any of the other meal plans we reviewed, but don't let the slightly higher price keep you away from trying BistroMD, the food, service and support services help make the slightly higher price well worth it.

eDiets --  Probably the best known of the diet meal delivery services but best known doesn't mean best taste or best anything else.  We rate this well known plan a dismal 1 1/2 stars (poor).   Don't be fooled by their catchy ads and commericals showing freshly prepared foods and claims of delicious tasty meals.  They are anything but tasty.  Plagued by non responsive support, blah tasting foods and a fairly high cost of meals, eDiets should be avoided, there are much better choices that offer superior meals and support for less cost.

Our first review on eDiets took place in November, 2010 and we were very unimpressed.  Our nest review took place in January, 2011 left us with the same impression.  In fact our food testers reported the food, which was already noted as tasteless now has taken on a "sawdust" like texture.  We have to drop our already low 1 1/2 star rating to an even lower 1 star rating for this very disappointing meal service.   This earns eDiets the only extremely poor rating of all the major diet food delivery services.

Diettogo --  Our top pick!  We rate Diettogo a Perfect 5 stars (Superior in everyway).    The best tasting food, top notch service, awesome fresh ingredients and a staff that is responsive and caring.  Everything you could possibly want in a meal program and depending on where you live, fresh NOT FROZEN meal delivery may be available.

A Hot New Body has arranged a special discount deal for our site users. We were so impressed with the Diettogo meal plan, we arranged a special savings for you to try for this incredible food plan for yourself and see how quickly you can lose weight while still eating incredibly delicious healthy FRESH foods.

For a Limited Time Save 20% Off Your First Order! 

 20% OFF First Order


Here is a break down of the top diet plans and there average food costs.

Nutrisystem BistroMD eDiets review diet meal delivery plans
Average Cost per Day $11.85 $22.85 $19.95 $17.85
Average Shipping Cost $4.73 $24.95 $19.95 $16.95
Choice of Meal Plans
Low-Fat, Vegetarian, Low-Carb
Included Included
Customizable for Food
Allergies & Dislikes
Included Included Included Included
No Sign Up Fees Included Included Included Included
Available Weekly with
No Commitment
Included Included Included
Fresh Food
Never Freeze Dried
Included Included
Provides Fresh, Non-Frozen
Local Delivery*
Food is Prepared
Fresh In-house**
Offers Complete Meals
Include fruits, side items & condiments

 Special Review on Diabetic Home Delivery Diet Food Plans

  • Diabetic Healthy Eating
    Eating correctly to remain healthy as a diabetic can be tricky and requires a precise balance of foods to regulate blood sugar and glucuse levels. Our diabetic diet plan offers the most delicious foods and the perfect balance to keep your diabetic blood sugars in balance