ProShape Rx: A Safer, More Natural Approach to Weight Loss
How many times after complete frustration, have you succumbed and tried one of those 'over the counter' weight
loss supplements that promise to help you shed those unwanted pounds? The claims seem impressive. Maybe even one of
your friends has recommended a new one that they swear has worked for them. The choices are endless, but finally
you just pick a pretty bottle and set out to finally get rid of that annoying excess weight.
But soon you realize that even if you notice you don't feel that hungry, you do notice a complete change in your
system. You start to feel jittery. Your stomach is constantly upset. The frequent trips to the bathroom with cramps
are just out of control. You can't sleep. The list goes on and on. Many of those side effects are a result of the
ingredients in most over the counter weight loss supplements. Many drug store brands contain ingredient with side
effects such as caffeine.
Caffeine has been touted as one of the effective ingredients in weight loss systems as initially it can decrease
your appetite through its central nervous system response. However, other studies, including ones conducted by the
Mayo Clinic suggest that caffeine may cause higher levels of cortisol, which actually stimulates an increase in
appetite. So the main ingredient that is touted as helping to decrease weight, in actual fact works exactly the
Caffeine can also increase stress. It has this affect by elevating the stress hormones such as cortisol and
adrenaline. Increase in stress can then have a very negative impact on your weight loss goals by decreasing your
willpower and overall affecting your ability to stick to your intentions and keep losing weight.
Another negative effect of utilizing a weight loss supplement that contains caffeine is interruption of your
natural sleep patterns. Often people complain that if they drink coffee too late in the day that they end up
tossing and turning all night. Well weight loss pills that use caffeine as an ingredient in their formulas can have
an adverse affect on your ability to get the rest that you need.�And if you are not sleeping, then your ability to
maintain your willpower is adversely affected for sure. Losing weight successfully really has to be simple and
suffering from lack of sleep on top of all the other stress that comes with being overweight is simply not a good
formula for anyone.
Now the researchers and doctors who have formulated the ProShapeRX weight loss system have purposely avoided ingredients such as caffeine and have
devised a 100% natural formula that uses herb supplements to help control your cravings and help you stick to
your weight loss goals naturally. Now that certainly sounds like a better way to go than putting yourself
through more stress and less sleep. So give the ProShapeRX system a try. There is a 30 day trial offer so you have nothing to lose except a
few extra pounds. So what are you waiting for? Take a positive step toward a new, thinner, healthier you.
For more information, go to